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Inside Envoy Documentary Features Founder and CEO

April 19, 2023
Idit Levine

Envoy Proxy is an open source edge and service proxy that works similarly to software load balancers like NGINX and HAProxy. Envoy has made quite a splash since it was created by Lyft, and it now boasts an impressive active base of contributors. That’s why filmmakers at Speakeasy Production decided to film a new documentary offering an inside look at its inception.

The new documentary “Inside Envoy: The Proxy for the Future” premieres at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe in Amsterdam this week. It delves into the origins and rapid ascent of Envoy, and features its contributors, including founder and CEO, Idit Levine.

Inside Envoy: The Proxy for the Future

Inside Envoy tells the story of software engineer, Matt Klein, who left Twitter for Lyft in 2015. Finding itself in a growth period, Lyft struggled with migrating its architecture from monolithic to microservices.

Klein went to work for three months straight, coding along, and creating an edge proxy that would be become Envoy. Envoy Proxy would go on to handle 100% of Lyft traffic and has since broadened its scope beyond observability.

What started as an in-house solution within the ride-share giant rapidly evolved into an innovation that has defined the careers of those who helped create a proxy that fundamentally transformed the industry.

This documentary goes behind-the-scenes with talented engineers and executives like Levine, to look at the remarkable rise of this industry-changing project. That project has been adopted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is now at graduated project maturity.

The film was made possible by technology providers and community leaders like

“Inside Envoy, the Proxy for the Future,” will debut the evening of April 20th at KubeKon + CloudNativeCon Europe in Amsterdam.

In-house Theater event registration for the film can be found here.

Inside Envoy

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