Webinar Recap: Multi-Cluster Kubernetes and Service Mesh Patterns

Last week, Christian Posta gave a talk and series of demos around multi-cluster Kubernetes and service mesh architecture patterns. This is the third multi-cluster related talk we’ve had recently starting with the Multi-Cluster GitOps session with Weaveworks and the deep dive into Multi-Cluster Service Mesh Management with Service Mesh Hub

This talk focused on how building applications for cloud-native infrastructure that are resilient, scalable, secure, and meet compliance and IT objectives gets complicated. Another wrinkle for the organizations with which we work is the fact they need to run across a hybrid deployment footprint, not just Kubernetes. 

To do that, we need to explore different options and patterns for building secure, scalable, resilient applications using technology like Kubernetes and Service Mesh without leaving behind existing IT investments. This talk discusses the “why and when” to use different multi-cluster topologies, how to build for high availability and team autonomy, and how to solve for things like service discovery, identity federation, traffic routing, and access control. 

Watch the replay here

 Download the presentation


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