Demystify API Security

Knowing that you are delivering API security without complexity will help to control the overhead of adhering to good security practices.

Considering the importance of the API in connecting services together to create the application, it is critical to build security into the API framework to reduce the number of threat vectors in a cloud native application. In this guide, we are going to explain some of the key components that your API management solution needs to address to reduce the security threat posed with improperly managed APIs.

With the cloud native development and deployment model, the distributed nature of the application services leave a potential gap in networking security. This gap is known as application networking. We will cover how to operationalize security in your API management to relieve the complexity in building security into your API management solution, reducing the gaps in the application networking layer.

Addressing these issues can give you more confidence in the security of your cloud native application.

Demystify API Security
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