Operational Impact of Shifting Left for Security

Shift Left is all about reducing risk and better protecting the company’s most valuable data assets.

In today’s world, nearly every business decision comes with an associated software decision. Whether it’s how to improve your customer experience, or how to better analyze data for business efficiency, or how to interact with your partners, each of these decisions will involve creating new software capabilities for your company. And when software capabilities are asked to move at the pace of business change, then the old, slow way of building and deploying applications just doesn’t work anymore.

The new models require updates to not only the technology used to build modern applications, but also how the associated teams are organized to manage the pace of change. In this ebook, we look at a new trend, called “Shift Left”, which is being successfully employed to ensure that managing the security of new applications and data isn’t compromised by the increasing pace of change needed by the business.

Operational Impact of Shifting Left for Security
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