at Cloud Field Day 6

During the last week of September, our CEO and founder Idit Levine and Field CTO Christian Posta joined Cloud Field Day 6 for two hours of technical briefings, demos and lively discussions with the CFD Delegates. Presenting alongside industry leading and new start up infrastructure companies, we discussed the possibilities of technologies like Envoy Proxy and Kubernetes and what is possible with them in building and operating microservices applications.

Idit and Christian covered a lot of ground in the two hour session including:

  • Company Introduction and Vision
  • Microservices: Gloo API Gateway
  • Service Mesh: The Service Mesh Hub and SMI Spec
  • Application Health: Microservices Centric Toolkit

You can also follow along online and see the comments and blogs from the CFD6 Delegates.

Video 1: Introduction to and vision by Idit Levine

Idit explains how our mission is to help every organization with their digital transformation with tools to enable the adoption and operation of cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes and Service Mesh. We aim to help companies build and deploy new microservices applications, then add service mesh technologies to their environment and provide an application health toolkit designed specifically for multi-language microservices. Learn more at

Video 2: Gloo, A Next Generation API Gateway

First part of the journey is helping organizations modernize to microservices applications so they can reap all the benefits of agile software development — build and deploy new applications and features faster. To do that, new components are required in the application architecture. The API Gateway is critical as it acts as a central point for access between the clients and the microservices and for the administrator for traffic shaping and security. Learn more about Gloo at

Video 3: Service Mesh Hub and the SMI Specification

As organizations mature and expand their microservices footprint, they may adopt service mesh into their architecture. Service Mesh abstracts the operational code from the business logic. While this does add another layer of abstraction, this makes it possible to enable potentially hundreds of services to scale up, down and have updates deployed at any time, all independently of the other services. Learn more about Service Mesh.

Video 4: Microservices Application Health and Resilisience

While microservices provided us with many improvements including the ability to break things down, separate them so that innovation could happen faster, the act of turning one service into sometimes, hundreds of services created new challenges altogether. Existing tools for monitoring, testing and debugging don’t work in a polyglot, distributed environment so new tools are required to help developers proactively test and build more resilient applications. Learn more here.

We hope you enjoy the videos and get excited about microservices and service mesh. Here are some links to learn more: