Gloo Mesh Enterprise Hits the GA Milestone

Today I am incredibly excited to announce the general availability (GA) of Gloo Mesh Enterprise, an enterprise-grade, Kubernetes-native solution for service mesh management. Gloo Mesh simplifies service mesh adoption and day-two operations, enhances its usability, control, visibility, and security, and streamlines complex multi-cluster and multi-cloud environments.

Originally announced in 2019, Gloo Mesh (previously Service Mesh Hub) provides organizations with a comprehensive and simplified experience for service mesh management based on Istio, the industry standard service mesh, and Envoy, the de-facto industry sidecar proxy data plane. 

Solo supports hundreds of customers, from big household-name companies to small startups, who run a wide variety of microservices environments. Over the last couple of years we observed the challenges that customers have with Istio, and designed Gloo Mesh to address these challenges.

Our goal in designing Gloo Mesh was to make it valuable to Istio users wherever they are in their adoption journey:

  • For users taking their first steps, Gloo Mesh facilitates installation and guarantees Istio FIPS compliance and provides ARM and long-term support (N-3, community is N-1). Gloo Mesh users get guidance and 24/7 support from the Solo team, leveraging our experience and expertise, with Istio community and ecosystem leaders like Christian Posta, Lin Sun, Yuval Kohavi and others.
  • Gloo Mesh enhances day-two operations. It brings advanced API functionalities and provides tools to enhance security and observability. With Gloo Portal, the only developer portal for Istio, it helps developers and partners consume APIs by cataloging and exposing running APIs in Istio.
  • As the organization’s service mesh evolves, Gloo Mesh helps users integrate their mesh into the organizational practices with advanced functionalities, like rollback and delegation. Gloo Mesh facilitates the development and deployment of WebAssembly extensions to enhance and tailor their service mesh to their specific needs.
  • For organizations with complex environments across multi-clusters, multi-clouds, or multi-regions, Gloo Mesh Enterprise includes new features that provide centralized management and control, enhanced security, and comprehensive observability

The release of Gloo Mesh Enterprise follows on the heels of an extremely successful beta program with over 2,000 requests for participation, 400 developers engaging through the beta Slack channel and over 800 stars on GitHub during this program. The team has worked tirelessly to extend the original Gloo Mesh Enterprise Beta and incorporate all of the beta feedback into this release which includes the following core and new features:

  • A single pane of glass for Istio service mesh deployed on every cluster
  • Advanced traffic management with centralized management and control
  • Global service routing and load balancing
  • Enhanced security model and a fully FIPS-compliant Istio build
  • Extensibility with WebAssembly across multiple clusters
  • Centralized logging and debugging

For more details about Gloo Mesh Enterprise features, please read our technical blog post. You can also check out the documentation and the public Github. To request a free trial of Gloo Mesh Enterprise, click here.

Want to learn more, join us at Solocon

Learn more about Gloo Mesh, Gloo Edge and more at’s recently announced SoloCon 2021. SoloCon features industry speakers, informative sessions and hands-on workshops, set for March 23-25, 2021. Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage with experts, learn from their peers, network with other attendees and attend hands-on workshops. Register today at